Laboratory Decision Maker
LDM is a bridge between the NIR analyzer and least cost feed formulation systems such as OFM Feed Formulation
This program is designed to work in conjunction with least cost feed formulation programs. Laboratory analysis data may be entered manually, or by down-loading data from a Near Infra Red spectrophotometer (NIR). When only Proximate Analysis data is available, the program will use resident regression equations to estimate the Total and Digestible Amino Acids, Metabolizable Energy for Poultry (MEp), and Digestible, Metabolizable and Net Energies for Swine (DEs, MEs, NEs). The program will calculate the Average Value (Avg), Standard Deviation (Std) and Margin of Safety Value (MOS) for each group of selected ingredient samples. Accurate state of knowledge about one’s ingredients is a key component of producing a good feed the first time