Opti Feed Mix Formulation


OPTI FEED MIX Formulation (OFM)  is foundation of Solutions. Nutrients, ingredients, costs, and formulas are maintained here. This program allows you to obtain the least cost solution for your formulas, based on the ingredients and nutrients offered in the formula, with the corresponding restrictions. It also takes into account the prices of the ingredients in the formula.

Unlimited data storage for plants, nutrients, ingredients, prices, production formulas, and formula specifications

Efficient data manipulation. Whether modifying one value or performing bulk changes to any of the various files.

Easily and quickly access multiple data directories.

Optimization with temporarily change when solving "What if" production or purchasing ingredients. Data may be permanently stored to the selected files.

Parametric Analysis of ingredient prices, ingredient restrictions or nutrient restrictions.

Factor Nutrients calculate amino acids based on a change in other nutrients, and/or factor nutrient requirements based on a change in energy during optimization. Balanced calorie optimization.

Ratios may be used in the ingredient or formula specification files.

Ingredient File can have plant overlays, global or ingredient specific equations which may have conditional based on mathematical parameters.

Ingredient file matrix comes standard with 500 nutrients per ingredient. This can be expanded to 900 nutrients per ingredient. The nutrients can be entered on an "as fed" or "dry matter" basis.

Add-on Ingredient Costs provide the ability to add user defined additional costs to each ingredient, besides the base cost, such as shrink, grinding, freight, packaging costs, etc.

In-Stock/ Out of Stock Status.

Premix, Production Formula Creation. Premix may be created from a stored formula or partial premix from selected ingredients in a formula. Production formula will include partial premix and non premix ingredients.

Optimization Scenario with single or multiple formula batch.

Nutrient Contribution of each ingredient in a formula.

True Multi-User. More than one user may be working in the same plant’s data files.

Security determines user access to the data in nutrients, prices, ingredients, formula specifications, as well as actual production formulas. Control menu display by user.

Export/Import data with Excel, XML and Text Files.

Report Builder to customize reports with Header, Logo, Footer and Details. Define each report and set defaults for what each user wants to see in the reports that are generated.

Dry Mix / Liquid Mix optimization which will includes selected ingredients on a dehydrated dry matter basis and rest on as fed basis.